Our collection is comprised of over 17,000 physical books and over 1,000 eBooks and is always growing. Our book selection process is thoughtful and takes into consideration the needs and wants of our students and teachers. We base our purchases off of book reviews, national book lists, state award books, student & teacher requests, and our curriculum.
Because we are a K-8 Academy, we have two book collections: Lower Academy and Upper Academy. These books are marked LA or UA on their spine labels. Currently, fifth grade students only are allowed to check out Upper Academy books with a permission slip signed by their parent. Also, sixth and seventh grade students only are allowed to check out Upper Academy books marked as “Eighth Grade Only” (noted by a red dot sticker on the spine) with a permission slip signed by their parent.
Beyond these parameters, we realize and respect that every family is different and every student is different, and what they read is not the same. Every student’s ability and interests are unique, so please email your media specialist at [email protected] and let us know if you need a note placed in your child’s library record to specify any preferences or limits you would like us to know about. We respect each family’s preferences and do our best to keep your children engaged in reading and finding books they love. We want all of our students to be life-long readers and library users!